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ENGIE Impact Honoured By U.S. EPA As 2023 ENERGY STAR® Awards Winner

Global Sustainability Consultancy Awarded 17th Consecutive Partner of the Year Award for Sustained Excellence and 19th Consecutive Service and Product Provider Award

Sustainability, Environment, Economy, Decarbonization, ENGIE, ENGIE Impact, ENGIE ENERGY STAR, ENERGY STAR, United States, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA, Energy, Energy Management, Fossil Fuels, Clean Energy, Sustainability Consultancy, Sustainability Consulting, Carbon, Emissions, Global Warming, Climate Change, Sustainable Business, Resilience, Climate Adaptation, Climate Resilience, ESG, Industry, Sustainability Management, Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Investment, Sustainability Reporting, Capitalism, Policy, Data, Corporate Sustainability, Sustainability Plan, Corporate Sustainability Plan, Chief Sustainability Officer, Leadership, Sustainability Leadership, Renewable Energy, Management, Strategy, Sustainable Living, Climate Leadership, Climate Plan, Climate Strategy, Sustainability Strategy, Strategy, The SustainabilityX® Magazine


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Global sustainability consultancy firm ENGIE Impact has been honored with its 17th consecutive ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence Award and 19th consecutive Service and Product Provider award from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). By offering energy services to commercial, institutional and industrial markets, ENGIE Impact has been recognized for its efforts in assisting clients in strategic energy management and building design. Energy management and decarbonization are important components in the fight against climate change and ENGIE Impact's recognition highlights the need for energy management companies to help clients reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices.


In March 2023, sustainability transformation solutions firm ENGIE Impact was awarded its 17th consecutive win for ENERGY STAR’s® 2023 Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence Award, and 19th consecutive win in the Service and Product Provider category by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Over the years, ENERGY STAR has been an important component in the sustainability transformation and decarbonization work ENGIE Impact provides to many of the world’s largest corporations.

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