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Meet Joy Gai: Shaping a Sustainable Future Through Visionary Leadership

Her Inspiring Journey as a Sustainability Consultant: The SustainabilityX® Magazine's Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards 2023 Awardee

The SustainabilityX®  Magazine Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards 2022, Awards, Sustainability, Leadership, Sustainable Business, Women, Women In Business, Women In Sustainability, Inspiration, Management, Strategy, Climate Change, Environment, Economy, Policy, SDGs, Media, Communications, Climate Leaders, The SustainabilityX® Magazine, #SustXGlobal50, #RedefiningPower, The SustainabilityX® Magazine Celebrates Its Second Annual Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards Program, The SustainabilityX® Magazine, Women in Sustainability, Women, Female Leaders, Women Leaders, Female Trailblazers, Women Trailblazers, Sustainability, Awards, Sustainability Awards, Global 50 Women in Sustainability, #SustXGlobal50, The SustainabilityX® Magazine's Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards 2023


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"Receiving this award is a profound validation of the path I've chosen, both personally and professionally. It tells me that the journey of perseverance, commitment, and dedication to sustainability, which at times felt like a lonely road, is not just recognised, but celebrated. It's a testament to the fact that every little step taken towards sustainability is indeed significant and can spark global changes. On a professional level, it galvanises my resolve to keep pushing boundaries, to innovate, and to challenge the status quo. As for my company, it's a reaffirmation of our mission to foster a sustainable future, further boosting our team's morale. This award is more than an accolade; it's a beacon lighting the way for our continued journey in sustainability." - Joy Gai, Founder, Joy of Sustainability & Asia Pacific Programs Head, World Green Building Council, Singapore

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