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The Business Case For Circularity & The Circular Economy

In collaboration with Circular City Week New York with data powered by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Sustainability, Environment, Economy, Circularity, Circular Economy, Sustainable Consumerism, Sustainable Business, SDG 12, Recycling, Policy, Global Warming, Corporate Sustainability, Strategy, Market Intelligence, Circular City Week New York, The SustainabilityX® Magazine


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Cities are ground zero for the activation of the circular economy. That’s why Danish Cleantech Hub is proud to host its fourth annual Circular City Week New York, which will take place from May 2-8, 2022. During Circular City Week, an array of circular economy global leaders from across sectors will discuss and exhibit viable pathways for accelerating circular systems. SustainabilityX® is proud to be an official publicity partner for this much-awaited event with over 100 events, 250 organizations, and 350 speakers ideating how to move from the current linear take-make-waste economy to a circular future.

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