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The Masked Climate Crisis Bandit 

COVID-19 - A Preview of the Climate Crisis Impact: Thought Leadership by #SustXGlobal50 Awardee Meryl Sukumar, Founder, Subcinctus Consulting, Australia

Meryl Sukumar, Subcinctus Consulting, Sustainability Career, Sustainability Professional, Employee Sustainability, Sustainability, Environment, Economy, Wildfire, Wildfires,  Wildfire Season, Plastic Pollution, Microplastics, Climate Mitigation, Climate Strategy, Electricity, Fuel Supply, Industry, Buildings, Transportation, Energy, Agriculture, Forests, Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Removal, Carbon Capture, Superpollutants, Business, Sustainable Business, Social Entrepreneurship, Purpose, Culture, Purposeful Leadership, Business Value, Business Growth, Corporate Sustainability, Business Sustainability,  Sustainability Fragmentation, Sustainability Journalism, Climate Journalism, Climate Reporting, Climate Journalists, Sustainability Journalists, Communications, Sustainability Communications, Climate Communications, Sustainability Media, Climate Media,  Art, Media, Books, Music, Painting, Crafts, Wellness, Wellbeing, Human Wellbeing, Environmental Wellbeing, Creative Expression, Global Challenges, Decarbonization, Thought Leadership, ESG, Carbon, Sustainability Consultancy, Sustainability Consulting, Carbon, Emissions, Global Warming, Climate Change, Sustainable Business, Sustainability Reporting Standards, Sustainability Disclosure Standards, ISSB, IFRS, Accounting, Sustainability Accounting, FSA Credential Holder, GRI, Resilience, Climate Adaptation, Climate Resilience, ESG, Industry, Sustainability Management, Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Investment, Sustainability Reporting, Capitalism, Policy, Data, Corporate Sustainability, Sustainability Plan, Corporate Sustainability Plan, Chief Sustainability Officer, Leadership, Sustainability Leadership, Renewable Energy, Management, Strategy, Sustainable Living, Climate Leadership, Climate Plan, Climate Strategy, Sustainability Strategy, Strategy, The SustainabilityX® Magazine


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In this thought leadership article, "The Masked Climate Crisis Bandit," Meryl Sukumar, Founder, Subcinctus Consulting, and a recipient of The SustainabilityX® Magazine Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards™ 2023 explores the parallels between the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Climate Crisis, illustrating how the pandemic has served as a microdose of the extensive disruptions a full-blown Climate Emergency could unleash. Highlighting the similarities in supply chain disruptions, scarcity of materials, and the widespread societal impact, the article emphasizes the pandemic as a sneak peek into a future exacerbated by climate change. It argues that the gradual yet steady infiltration of climate emergencies into our lives mimics the unexpected surge of the pandemic, underscoring an urgent need for adaptive strategies and sustainable practices. The narrative stresses the importance of taking individual accountability, responding proactively rather than reactively, and embracing sustainable choices to mitigate climate change impacts. It also highlights the role of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and reporting as crucial tools for businesses to navigate the crisis, encouraging a shift towards resilience, sustainability, and long-term value creation.


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