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To Further ESG and Carbon Commitments, Start with Signage

Maximizing ESG and Carbon Goals: The Power of Effective Signage Implementation - Thought Leadership by Gensler

Sustainability, Environment, Economy, Decarbonization, Thought Leadership, To Further ESG and Carbon Commitments, Gensler, Architecture, Design, Signage, Embodied Carbon, ESG, Carbon, Sustainability Consultancy, Sustainability Consulting, Carbon, Emissions, Global Warming, Climate Change, Sustainable Business, Resilience, Climate Adaptation, Climate Resilience, ESG, Industry, Sustainability Management, Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Investment, Sustainability Reporting, Capitalism, Policy, Data, Corporate Sustainability, Sustainability Plan, Corporate Sustainability Plan, Chief Sustainability Officer, Leadership, Sustainability Leadership, Renewable Energy, Management, Strategy, Sustainable Living, Climate Leadership, Climate Plan, Climate Strategy, Sustainability Strategy, Strategy, The SustainabilityX® Magazine


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Signage may seem like an afterthought, but it can have a surprisingly large impact on carbon reduction goals. By prioritizing environmentally friendly materials like cardboard, wood, and post-consumer recycled composites, the embodied carbon footprint of interior signage systems can be significantly reduced. Gensler's Embodied Carbon Calculator was developed to compare and identify the embodied carbon in materials commonly used in interior signage systems. By reducing the embodied carbon footprint of their signage, a client was able to prevent 435 pounds of coal from being burned every time the sign system was implemented, contributing to their commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. With millennials and Gen Z prioritizing sustainability in their career choices, signage is an easy and scalable way to put an organization's carbon commitments in front of team members daily.


By: Alex Burkholder, Brand Design Leader, Gensler’s Northwest region, Gensler & Peter Muller, Global Design Resilience Leader, Gensler

Establishing, tracking, and meeting carbon goals is a very challenging and time-consuming undertaking. With many corporate spaces currently under lease and a projection that two-thirds of today’s building stock will still exist by 2040, to remain competitive we know that existing workplace portfolios will likely need just as much attention given to carbon reduction as they do for the strategic expansion into new markets.

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